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17 Amazing Christ Types
in The Old Testament

Christ's fulfillment of The Old Testament Promises of God

In 2022 Jennifer and I went on our first trip to Israel. As our plane flew over the Saudi Arabian Peninsula approaching Israel, the flight path took us over Jerusalem; tears filled our eyes as we descended over Jerusalem and on to David Ben Gurion Airport just out of Tel Aviv.


We had an amazing time in Israel visiting many of the places and sites frequented by Jesus. From Israel, we went on to Scotland to visit the childhood home of Jennifer's grandmother. Upon our return to New Zealand, we were determined to return to Israel in 2023 which we did.


In 2023 we visited many of the places and sites we missed in 2022 and deepened our roots in Israel by planting a small tree in the Ben Shemen Forest where the Jewish fighters of the Yiftah Brigade sheltered before Operation Dani in Israel's War of independence on May 14th 1948.


Israel is the Holy Land where Jesus Christ was born, lived, died on the cross and rose from the dead. His life and ministry  are recorded in the New Testament but were first foreshadowed in the Old Testament characters who are technically known as Christ 'types.'


This book explores the foreshadowing of God's promises that were imprinted in those Christ 'types' and fulfilled in the Person and work of Jesus Christ.


2 Corinthians 1:20a 'For all of God's promises have been fulfilled in Christ.' 

17 Amazing Christ Types V3 Cover.png

Christ's fulfillment of the old testament

Promises of God

Easy to read and enjoy

Beautifully formatted 

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